miercuri, 17 mai 2017

Empowr Big Scam


All those who have withdrawn money, create the paypal dispute You can recover your money

I am sure you have tonnes of questions relating to Empowr. Trust me, I do too. My aim of this article is to voice my opinion, and to help people understand what Empowr really is.
Empowr is the new name for Fanbox, and if you do not know what Fanbox is, you should check it out here. It explains the history of what Empowr truly is.
Empowr is an upgraded version of Fanbox, with a nicer looking user interface, new features, but the same old tricks. In general, Empowr is just like any other social network (Facebook, Google Plus, etc), but the main difference is that the purpose of Empowr is driven by money, while the purpose of other social media platforms is driven by social value.
The main idea of Empowr is to allow people with similar interest to congregate, and to earn money sharing things that are relevant, however, the way you are taught to use Empowr opposes the purpose of the program . So, what exactly is Empowr for?
As I went through the Empowr’s user interface, more question marks popping up. One of the most puzzling questions that I have for Empowr is that there is no clear guide as to how much you can earn from posting and sharing. Wouldn’t you be curious to know how much you can earn for each post or each share?
A few days after signing up with Empowr, I received an email and was told that I made $4.28 without performing any tasks, so how exactly did I make the money? Is it just some random number that is plucked from the sky?
One thing for sure is that you have to pay money to Empowr in order to cash out. So is it really worth it? I will discuss this below.
In other words, you pay money to make money. Does it make sense to you?
Here’s how it really works:
  1. In order to cash out, you have to provide either your credit card details or a PayPal account, and when you provide your payment details, you have to agree to this:empowr-auto-billing
  2. Without you knowing, when you post something on Empowr, you automatically use their Ad Credits. If you have provided your payment details and have accepted to the above terms, you will automatically be charged on your credit card or your PayPal account if you use more than $2 worth of advertising fee. Remember, this advertising fee is levied each time you perform an activity on Empowr, moreover, you will be charged a 2.9% ad platform fee on a monthly basis.
  3. Any earnings that you make from Empowr takes 90 days (3 months) to mature, but it takes you a few seconds to pay their advertising fees. Does it make sense to you? Why you can’t cash out immediately if you have paid their advertising fee?
I posted a question to my “Success Coach” 3 days ago, but I did not receive a reply.
My question was, “how much exactly do I earn from each share and each post?”.
I guess nobody can answer this question except for the creators of Empowr. Wouldn’t it be weird to do so many things on Empowr, and not knowing exactly how much you make from each activity?
Empowr claims that this:
The company’s patented platform aims to provide economic opportunities for its citizens and return 97 percent of company revenues to them.”
Technically, Empowr is earning money from its citizens (YOU) if they pay into the program.
If you take an overview of this program, it is basically a transfer of wealth from one person (the one who made a loss) to another (the one who profited), and the program is an intermediary which charges you a fee for using its advertising platform.
So what purpose does Empowr serve? In addition, how would you know that 97% of its revenue is returned to its citizens?
Let me ask you a simple question, “What is the main purpose of advertisement?” It is to promote your products or services right? In Empowr, you are advertising even if you do not have a product or service, does it make sense?
Facebook has the advertisement function that Empowr has, the only difference is that Facebook earns money (Advertising fee) from people who truly has a product or service, but Empowr earns from its citizens even if they do not have a product or service to promote.

Real User Experience

These are screenshots from Empowr’s Facebook wall.

Empowr’s Mission is to help Poverty?

In my opinion, if a company really wants to help poverty, would it ask you to pay money before being able to cash out? Once they get hold of your credit card or PayPal details, it is hard to say if you will make more money than what you spend. As you already know, you might be charged a fee without you knowing.
People living in poverty may not even have a computer to begin with. And if they have a computer, will they understand how Empowr works? Will they truly make money from the program?
It is said that Empowr supports 82 charitable causes, I would like to know what causes are they supporting.

Buying and Selling on Empowr?

Empowr has a function that allows you to trade items (products or services) with your Empowr Network. This function is called the “Marketplace”. It works like eBay if you are buying or selling products, and it works like Fiverr.com if you are providing or engaging a service, services like Data Entry,etc.
Well, you know eBay has gone through many hoops to ensure that their sellers deliver their products as promised, and any disputes will be handled by eBay themselves.
eBay even guarantees this:
“In some cases when we determine the seller was not responsible, we may refund the buyer at our own expense.”
You can check out eBay’s Buyer Protection here.
Whilst Empowr said this:
Sure, Empowr ensures that its sellers deliver their products by providing a buyer’s protection feature, which is none other than a mere rating function. The question is, “Is it enough?”. Check out this link which explains.
The only dispute resolution your can get is through the success coaches, but the problem is, are the success coaches trained enough to handle such disputes? For all you know, the success coaches are just citizens of Empowr, untrained to handle disputes. Check out the criteria to be a success coach here.
So if you ask me if I will ever buy anything from Empowr, my answer is NO.
What is your opinion on this? Please share your opinions by leaving a comment below.

The Social Value in Empowr…

Do you know the reason for why Social Media exist? It exists for people to connect with each other, and to share interests.
I am sure the main reason to join Empowr, for most members, is to make money, and to make money from Empowr, you have to share or post stuff. Instinctively, you will start sharing or posting mindless things on Empowr just so that you get an opportunity to make money from it.
So, what is the social value of Empowr? Please share your views in the comments section below this review.
When you use Facebook, and you post stuff like your personal photos or videos, and you hope that your friends and family will see it, like it or maybe leave a comment. This creates social value, and it improves your relationship with your friends and family.
What happens in Empowr is totally opposite. The main drive for you to “post”, “share” or “like” stuff on Empowr is money, and not to connect with others. In my opinion, this social platform is fundamentally wrong. Just to give you an example, someone has posted a question on Empowr:
It has gotten 34 “Likes” in 3 hours, but no one is sharing their experiences or posting any comments. I feel this question is relevant to the program and it creates social value if someone responds to it. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Fake Testimonials?

I tried to find “Nathan Lee” and “Serena Villanueva” in other social media platforms and I couldn’t find them. If you find them, please, help to share.

Daily Earnings Statement?

Have you been receiving “Daily Earnings Statement” in your email from Empowr? I bet you do, tonnes of it. As you probably know, these earnings can only be cashed out if you provide your credit card details or your PayPal account.
Furthermore, you have to consider the amount of money you have spent unknowingly to achieve the said earnings. For me, as you can see I made $9.39 on February 2016 (picture below), and I have checked my Ad Credit balance and it shows that I have utilized $8.91 of advertisement fees, which means my net earnings is $0.48. On top of that, in order to cash out, I still have to pay 2.9% Ad platform fee on a monthly basis, so what am I left with?
The big joke is that I still have to wait for 90 days (3 months) in order to cash out that minute earnings.

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